Sunday, July 13, 2014

5 Months Into My Loss

Yesterday was the 5 month anniversary of Malaysia's birth. I have a ritual on her birthday every month. I buy flowers and light candles around the memorial for her that I have in my home. I also, look at her clothes to see what she would be wearing and go online to see what advancements she would be making every month. Most importantly, I write to her in my journal every month on her birthday.
Last night I was writing to her when I paused to go on the Baby Center website and see what she would be doing. Needless to say, I never got a chance to finish my letter to her or blog about her 5 month anniversary. This is due to the fact that I was taken back by all of the shocking and hurtful comments that people replied to in response to my story about my stillborn child. Some of the commenters accused me of lying about my daughter being stillborn. This hurt me to the core and I am still bothered by it today. It is very stressful that on top of grieving for my daughter I have to be upset by some senseless comments made by people who are MOTHERS. The comments threw my whole night off. I was up until 1:30 in the morning even though I normally go to sleep at 9. I addressed the nay sayers on the website and most of the other commenters were sympathetic and offered their condolences. You can read my post and the comments here:

Malaysia May's Mommy

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