Thursday, August 14, 2014

6 Months In...Already

Made with love

I can't believe that it has been 6 months since I said hello and goodbye to my precious baby girl. A lot has changed but a lot hasn't changed. I finally felt emotionally strong enough to go back to work but the pain of losing my daughter is still deeply rooted in my everyday life. I still walk into her room and look at all of her things and imagine her wearing her clothes and playing with her toys. My heart still aches when I think about everything my daughter will be missing in life like birthdays, her first day of school and prom. I still freeze up every time I see or hear a baby or small child in person or on television. I still wonder how I will ever survive life without her.

This past Tuesday I celebrated the 6 month anniversary of Malaysia's birthday with my husband, Malaysia's uncle, and her Godmother. I bought 6 white balloons and a princess balloon for my princess. We all wrote Malaysia a note on the balloons and then released them at the top of a hill at sunset.


  1. The cake is adorable and I'm sure Malaysia loved the colorful flowers :-) This was a beautiful way to memorialize the day
